Monday, December 17, 2012

Dynamics World Recognizes ZSL's Microsoft Dynamics GP-JE Excel Importer Add-on

Dynamics World Recognizes ZSL’s Microsoft Dynamics GP-JE Excel Importer on Top 50 Dynamics Add-ons List for 2013

Dynamics World

London, UK, December 14, 2012: Dynamics World has published an annual list of the best Add-ons for the individual Microsoft Dynamics platforms for the last four years, for 2013 we are changing how the list is presented.
In previous years each platform has had its own Top 12, however, with an increasing number of ISVs now creating cross platform Add-Ons this year it was necessary to publish the top Add-Ons for Microsoft Dynamics as a single list of the Top 50.
The issue of what makes the best Add-On for an end user is dependent upon what the end user requires, so, as in previous years the list does not rank the Add-Ons in order of choice, instead, the list is published in Alphabetical order.
ZSL’s Business Power Suite which has Microsoft Dynamics GP-JE Excel Importer Add-on has been awarded a place on 2013 list for Microsoft Dynamics Top Add-Ons for GP by Dynamics World.
Dynamics World Top Add-Ons Network has been established to monitor, review, evaluate and analyse all those Add-ons that impact upon those who use Microsoft Dynamics. It continues to publish and update the very best Add-ons for each Microsoft Dynamic Platform and its supplementary products.
This year there were 500 nominations and ZSL’s GP-JE Excel Importer Add-on went through the selection process based on number of criteria that were germane to all businesses and have been used by the end users when making the decision to buy. The criteria included:
  • Cost of Ownership
  • End User Experience
  • End User Nominations
  • Geographical Coverage
  • ISV Support
  • Microsoft Stack Compatibility
  • Proven ROI
  • Secret Shopper Exercise to get more information about our Business Power and Mobile Power Add-ons Suite.
ZSL Inc.
85, Lincoln Highway,
Edison, NJ 08820.
Phone: 732-549-9770
Fax: 732-767-6644
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Realize with Social Media @ Convergence 2013 – An invaluable weapon!!!!

Ramping up your social media, before, during, and after a trade show is proving one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your booth & get Maximum ROI. Here are some ways you can leverage social media to get the most out of your trade show presence. 


Power of Hash tag (#) :  By including the hashtag of the event ( #CONV13) you are more likely to be seen by potential attendees, start tweeting before few weeks. Also Tweet reasons to visit your booth that you are already sharing via email, direct mail, ads, and the phone.  Express attendees all the great things you will be offering in your booth, such as new products, show specials, giveaways & special offers.  


Create a Facebook event Page & start interacting with attendees, conduct surveys & promote contests linked to the show.  As a trade show exhibitor, you can post photos and videos from your booth.  Share what new things you introduced.   •Announce News from the Show like –A new strategic alliance with a partner?  Introduce a new product?  Whatever news you shared at the show in your booth, you can also post to Facebook. 


For pre-show promotions, load up the video with all the great reasons to visit your trade show booth (see this above in Twitter).  You can also record and produce a video showing all the action you had in your booth – new products, demonstrations, happy client interviews – and post that to YouTube soon after the show.  


Establish your voice early with the expo audience writing fresh content that build up to the event. 


Follow & connect with Convergence groups.  Connect with people attending Convergence. 

Finally, be sure all the social media platforms are integrated that makes attendees to follow your messages on their preferred social media channels. 


Manick Vel , Associate Vice President - Business Solutions

ZSL Inc. , Edison, NJ

Microsoft Gold Partner for CRM & ERP ( AX/ NAV/ GP) offering End to end Implementation services & Business Power add-on solutions.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

ZSL Presents at CFO Round Table Session on Data Breach at NJTC's Data Center Summit

ZSL Presents at CFO Round Table Session on Data Breach at NJTC's Data Center Summit: Working in the Clouds Livingston, NJ, December 13, 2012


The 2012 NJTC Data Center Summit presents discussions around the latest trends and innovative technologies driving the emergence of the “Next Generation Data Centers”. The morning panel examines data centers that operate in a rapidly evolving environment of public awareness with the need to increase energy efficiency and control underlying operating costs. The afternoon panel explores the first question that needs to be resolved in deciding whether to build, and spend a significant amount of capital, or collocate, thus minimizing the capital spend, but giving up control.
CFO Peer Network Round Table Session
Cyber-risk issues can have an impact on any company, regardless of size, location or industry. Because of today's technology, information is not solely contained behind firewalls; it is on phones, laptops, iPads and other devices. In spite of all the risks, usually the attention is paid after the data breach has occurred. CFO's need to stress that they are proactively dealing with cyber risk. If the case for cyber protection goes unconsidered, post breach costs would be a burden.
In this roundtable, ZSL will discuss the impact of a data breach on a company and panelists will share best practices, lessons learned, how to assess the potential liability, downtime and the cost of the response.
Session Title:

Data Breach: Protecting Your Business from Cyber Loss

Date & Time: Thursday, 13 December 2012, 3.00 PM ET
Eisenhower Corporate Campus
Livingston, NJ
Stephen Muretta,
Assurance Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
Keith M. Parent, CEO, Court Square Group
Michael Janosko, Senior Manager Advisory Services, Ernst & Young LLP
Naidu Gandham, Practice Head - Cloud Computing and Managed Services, IDEA Lab, ZSL
View the complete NJTC Data Center Summit agenda at: