Friday, June 20, 2008

ZSL at the Intellectual Property in the Global Market place Conference

Baltimore, MD, 20th June, 2008: ZSL, a leading global technology integrator is an active member of the ‘Coalition for Patent Fairness’ Forum and advocates strongly to Patent Reform Act.

The bi-partisan Patent Reform Act of 2007 includes provisions that will ensure patents issued by the government are of the highest quality, benefiting inventors and the economy as a whole.

The Patent Reform Act would provide guidance on a number of important legal issues, including venue determinations and instructing juries on how to calculate patent damages.

USPTO and the Computing Technology Industry Association to Educate Businesses about Intellectual Property Protection and the Risks of Counterfeiting and Piracy

The Department of Commerce's United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) will present a free educational forum on Friday, June 20, in Baltimore, Md., that will highlight the growing threats of counterfeiting and piracy, while also providing information on how businesses can protect and enforce their own intellectual property rights in the U.S. and overseas.


Featured speakers will include intellectual property experts in the areas of patent, trademark, and copyright law as well as the enforcement of intellectual property in the U.S. and abroad.


Friday, June 20, 2008 Check-in/Registration from 8:30 a.m-9:30a.mProgram from 9:30 a.m-4:30p.m

Mt. Washington Conference Center 5801 Smith Avenue Baltimore, MD 21209

Visit: for more information.


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